It is made up of the following six parts:
1. Head - The figure inside is that of an old man representing wisdom of old age that reminds us the Farvahar of the elderly can be a better guide, and that we should consult experienced and wise people.
2. Hands – The right hand points upwards, telling us that we should always be in only one direction (of Ahura Mazda). The other hand holds a small ring, the ring of promise, which shows respect for promise. In today’s world, we see it in the form of wedding rings signifying the promise between two humans.
3. Wings - The wings are spread apart signifying the ascent of the soul or upward progress of human. Each wing contains three major segments, representing Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds. This suggests progress through the triple principle.

4. Central circle - A circle is a line that has no beginning and no end. The central circle in the Farvahar symbolizes the cycle of life and the eternity of the universe and indicates that our spirit is immortal, having neither a beginning nor an end. It tells us that the results of man’s actions return to him in this world, and in the other world the soul of the righteous one will enjoy the reward. On the other hand, the soul of the wicked one will face punishment.
5. Feathered tail - The feathered tail below is also in three parts. It represents the opposite of the wings namely, Bad Thoughts, Bad Words, and Bad Deeds. It indicates the fact that we should always drop bad choices down and avoid them.
6. Two lower loops - These two loops signify the Good Mind and the Evil and Angry Mind. These may occur in human minds at any time and everyone is responsible for embracing the Good Mind and discarding the Evil Mind.
In present-day Zoroastrianism, the Farvahar is said to be a reminder of one's purpose in life, which is to live in such a way that the soul progresses towards union with Ahura Mazda, the supreme divinity in Zoroastrianism. Although there are a number of interpretations of the individual elements of the symbol, none of them are older than the 20th century.
Many of ancient Iranian standing sites such as Persepolis, the Yazd Atashkadeh, the Tomb of Ferdowsi, and some older bank and school buildings contain the Farvahar icon.
Ramin, what an excellent blog with great photographs.
ReplyDeleteI am very disappointed in not seeing Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Ariya Mehr listed under the People section. He was in love with his people, country, history, customs and traditions of this sacred land, IRAN.
ReplyDeleteVery short sighted, I am afraid! Hopefully this is an omission that would soon be corrected.
Thank you!
Pahlavi family were self apponinted and definitely not kings. so wise up.
ReplyDeleteI know that there are farvahars that face to the right and others that face to the left,
what's the difference and why do some face to the left while its commonly believed that it has to face to the right?
I researched a lot but I couldn't find the answer, I'd be very happy if you help me, thanks.
Disclaimer: I have no research to validate this idea, but... since it is frequently found on ancient buildings, and it frequently alternates, I'm curious if the direction the farvahar faced was often towards the direction of a significant or reverent location in the distance. Or if there are other significant motifs on those structures, that it faces in the direction that was significant to the story being told on those facades. Perhaps someone else could shed some light on this theory!